Friday, May 31, 2019

Peach to Pikmind

Lets just say never name call a God of Transformation's.

Peach to Pixie

Peach thought it was clever to shoot a Sprixie-shroom to MT but MT use his magic to shoot it right into her mouth and she became a Pixie.

Peach to Shadow Siren

Peach became MT new Shadow Siren. its her job to find people to get curse by MT.

Peach to Piranha plant

Peach tired to trick MT into step onto one the pipes so he could get eaten by a Piranha plant. But instead MT knock her out, when she woke up she became a Piranha plant.

Peach to Biddybug

Peach thought it was a great idea to send the Biddybugs after MT but instead MT turn her into the Princess of Biddybugs.

Peach to frog

Peach kept jumping onto MT, So since she like to jump so much MT turned her into a Frog now only the kiss of Mario can change her back.

Peach to Charizard

Peach tired to  convince Charizard that MT stole his food. But MT turned Peach into a Female Charizard and right away Charizard found his Lover. they'll mate to make some new kind of Charmander's.

Peach to Bowser Jr. clown car

Peach tired to attack Magic by air but Magic turn her into Bowser Jr. s new Clown Car since she likes to be in the air so much.

Peach to Chain Chomp

Peach tried using the Chain chomp on Magic Trick but Magic fuse her with the Chomp. Now she became Magic Trick's New Watch Dog.

Peach to Yoshi

Peach tried to use Yoshi against Magic Trick but Magic decide to fuse them together, And now she thinks and believes she's actual Yoshi. Hope she like's eating and pooping eggs for the next month.

Peach to Bowsers Wife

Peach kept on comparing Magic Trick to Bowser. So since she kept talking about she should have just married him so with a snap of his finger Peach became Bowser new Koopa wife. And tonight is there 3 year anniversary and it was time for sexy time.

Peach to Goomba

Peach decide to charge into MT but instead Magic trick turned her into a Goomba, Hope she likes going left to right for the next 7 weeks.



So the Famous Princess Peach decide to go against Magic T. Little Does she knows is that he can transform people without using Power ups.